This will the 1st of 3 giveaways we will be having to celebrate our 1 year business birthday. We are so excited about the journey we have taken to get to this point and can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for us. But now for the good stuff! Today we will be gifting someone with a idieh design Brain Dump Mini Notebook. I LOVE this pad because not only is it FUNCTIONAL, but pretty darn stylish as well!! So below is how to enter!!
1.) Like Avila Dawn Events on Facebook
2.) Share this post on Facebook and/or Instagram (the more you share the better your chances are to WIN)!!
3.) For an extra entry Follow us on Instagram
4.) Leave a comment below telling me where you shared the post. Leave up to 2 comments if you shared in both places!
Winner will be announced on Friday, April 17th at 5:00PM!!